Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hello Happy New Years! Hello 2016!!!

sziasztok<3 ( Hi everyone!)


wait ...  has it been 3 weeks or 4? haha I cant even tell. I seriously feel like I have been here for months! The past few weeks have been so jam-packed with events, hungarian, lessons, activities, eating, and spending time with the best zone EVER. 

CHRISTMAS. Was definitely one for the books. By FAR my most favorite Christmas! If I had my entire family with me in the MTC, I would think I was in Heaven. We woke up Christmas morning, opened our packages from home and sat and ate chocolates before breakfast! Then we went to our Christmas Devotional where ELDER DAVID A. BEDNAR and his wife spoke to us!!!! I sang in the MTC choir again and was crying the entire time because one of the counselors in the MTC presidency commented that when we sing, the angles are there singing with us and I felt their presence as we were singing praise to the Lord's birth. The Bednars were the perfect couple to speak to us, because they were so personable and were really looking at our faces and reaching out to us. they passed around cell phones and opened up a little Q&A where we could text questions and he would choose some to speak about. We were also broadcasted to all the other MTCs in the world and they could email their questions in too. I gained so much insight to questions I didnt even think to ask. It was the best devotional and I felt like him and his wife's words were a big huge hug! We had Christmas dinner for lunch, which was super different but cool! After dinner we got to call home and I was surprised to find out that I had a quick chance to talk to some family! Although i bawled like a baby and couldnt show off all the hungarian I actually did now, it was so great. I had never felt the spirit through the phone! and although I could only talk to a small portion of my family, I felt everyones love and hope they can feel my love & testimony! After the calls, we went to dinner i think... haha so much happened that day i cannot even remember! But the funniest thing was, for Christmas dinner, I had a PB&J sandwich with doritos! I bet my Christmas dinner trumps all other dinners! haha im not complaining. every single thing that happened on that day humbled me so much and really kept my mind on Christ. After dinner, we had a Christmas program where I got one of the best christmas presents EVER. David Archuleta came and performed like 10 songs for us! All of us sister missionaries were fangirling so hard. He has such an amazing voice and sang christmas songs and church hymns and then ended with the song i had been praying he would sing- the "Glorious" song from Meet the Mormons. Heavenly Father gave me so many incredible Christmas gifts that day and I am so thankful for them! We also ended by watching Ephraims Rescue....I had never seen it before but i highly recommend watching it! Two thumbs up.

In our zone, we had the Hungarians, Fins, and Albanians, and now it is going to be just us Huns for a while! The albanians left us and it is so hard! I lost my BBFF (British Best Friend) named Elder Samuel, Elder Farnworth & Franks & Cox and MOTRA Willey who was our kind of fourth companion! We always had so much fun together and now it is a lot more quite and less crazy. I know that they are having so much fun out in the field and i am proud of them and know that any day now we will be making more friends! Its crazy how close you get to people in only 3 weeks! Can't wait for mission reunions haha 

HOSTING. I got the chance to host yesterday! Thats the job where the missionaries stand and help the new missionaries get from there cars, all settled in and then to class! The first time, i was crying with the family because it threw me back to my first day and that whole painful goodbye! But as i did it with missionary after missionary, I would just give them a big hug and start to help them get excited for the MTC, because it really is the bomb. I hope i get to do it again!!!

BERTOLD. We got a new "investigator" named Bertold and we had a first lesson that just crashed and burned. we always get so nervous because we feel like we dont know enough hungarian and are worried that when they ask questions that we wont be able to answer them back, etc. etc. So we wrote a bunch of notes down and planned exactly what we were going to teach about and when we got in there, he went an entirely different direction with questions and I got super frustrated with myself! Yeah I was happy that I could understand what he was saying but was sooooo frustrated that I couldnt answer back. It was a simple question and had a simple answer, I just didnt know the right word and as hard as i tried, i just kept confusing him. Anyway, so the next day we taught again. We tried to study more and I felt pretty comfortable with what we had planned, but the unknown still stressed me out. Right before I went in to teach, I said a little prayer and when I was done, i had the strongest prompting to leave my notes outside. Without thinking, my hands put the notebook next to the door and I walked inside. My face had a super confused look as I sat down and started the conversation and trying to figure out how I walked in the room. Mason Nover and I started teaching the first vision and the restoration of the gospel and, im not saying it was perfect, but i was able to bear my testimony about the book of mormon, recite the first vision, and have a two way conversation about what he wanted to know. at the end we asked him to pray. he said he didnt know how and didnt feel comfortable. instead of just saying it myself, I told him what we say and examples of what he could say, and then HE SAID A PRAYER! Although these investigators are fictional and the people we are teaching are already members, I have never felt so excited to get to Hungary and teach people about Christ and his teachings. 

Sorry that was kind of all over the place, I probably forgot a whole bunch of stuff! But I love where I am. The people, the language, the gospel. I have felt the Lord's love more than I have in my entire life and feel him walking along beside me on the best days and the worst. Thank you all again for all the love and support. I cannot thank you enough! I hope you all have a great break and a happy New Year! 2016 will be one for the books.

All my love,

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